Grunt for Magento 2 Theme development

Magento 2 grunt

Sulution for the fastest Magento theme development.
As we all are known – edititng css for Magento is very slow, need compile Less-CSS files and take a lot of time.
Grunt will resolve slow CSS edit process. Small manual how to add and use Grunt for Magento Theme develeopment.

Magento 2 install grunt

Install Grunt for Magento server

Following example for Docker image php:8.1-fpm-alpine3.14

To file php/Dockerfile – add followng instructions:

RUN apk add nodejs
RUN apk add npm
RUN npm install -g grunt-cli yarn

RUN apk add chromium
RUN apk add --no-cache chromium --repository=

And run Docker for install.

Start Docker Magento project.

Open PHP container.

Grunt setup inside Magento PHP cotainer

Run cli command

npm install -g grunt-cli

Create files for grunt and install dependencies

cd <magento_root>

cp package.json.sample package.json &&\
cp Gruntfile.js.sample Gruntfile.js &&\
cp grunt-config.json.sample grunt-config.json &&\
npm update

Prepare config

Create local-themes.js in the dev/tools/grunt/configs directory

cp dev/tools/grunt/configs/themes.js dev/tools/grunt/configs/local-themes.js

Add theme that will edited to the newly created local-themes.js file

'm-t': {
    area: 'frontend',
    name: 'My/newtheme',
    locale: 'en_US',
    files: [
    dsl: 'less'

Take a look on files settings – here instruction which files will compile.

Optionally, enable inline source maps in dev/tools/grunt/configs/less.js

Look on var lessOptions
and add option:

sourceMapFileInline: 'true'

Wiil looks like:

    options: {
        sourceMap: true,
        strictImports: false,
        sourceMapRootpath: '/',
        sourceMapFileInline: 'true',
        dumpLineNumbers: false,
        ieCompat: false

So settings is DONE.

How to use grunt in Magento 2

Open CLI and run following commands:

grunt clean:m-t && grunt exec:m-t && grunt less:m-t && grunt watch:m-t

Take a look: m-t this added before to local-themes.js

After run (can take few seconds), will output like:

So, now can edit CSS-less file and add changes to any CSS-class, will output like this:

Open Magento site page in Browser and see that changes to CSS are applied.

Magento 2 Grunt use

  • If CSS-styles in browser not updated – try Refresh the page
  • if added changes to Layout XML/PHTML files try cli-commanrs: bin/magento setup:upgrade and after grunt commands

So, Grunt for Magento theme works.
